One of the newest features on the fresh launch of is the archive. I’ve always wanted one of these, as I’m totally that person who keeps old planners just to have the satisfaction of looking at something *complete.* The best! If you haven’t seen the archive yet, just navigate to the bottom of my righthand menu bar to view my post archive my month and quantity.
With looking back at previous posts being easier than ever, I was inspired to round up my favorite personal blog posts I published in 2020. I know, I know- it’s already mid-February. In my defense though, I’ve seen a lot of people still publishing these “favorite/best _____ of 2020” even now, so I’m going for it as well!
This post also comes at a perfect time, because I’m actually about to change my blog writing process and content. Through independent research and market research I’ve been doing, I know a blog is much more scaleable when the content applies to a large audience and focuses on the reader, while also fitting in a niche. While I’m a firm believer in doing what makes you happy, I do recognize my posts will be more helpful for you (the reader) if I leave out more of the uber personal anecdotes I share throughout tutorials and tip blog posts. I’m still definitely going to do personal posts, but I want to keep my tutorial content much more reader-focused. You may notice a slight difference, but I promise it’s still all my genuine thoughts and feelings here. If you want a more candid look inside my life, I definitely share it allll on Instagram.
I apologize for all the rambling in an intro focused on my new departure from rambling— haha. I did want you all to know what to expect though. Let’s get into the post!
My week at a glance— Totally forgot I did this post, but looking back on it was SO fun for me. I don’t know that it’s super enjoyable for others to read, (besides maybe my mom!) but I may consider folding these in regularly now that I’m switching to a less-personal style of writing.
U.K. Honeymoon Part 2— It was hard to pick between all the wedding content I published in January, but I went with the U.K. Honeymoon Part 2, mainly because it featured our time in Edinburgh and at the Warner Bros studio tour, my two favorite things we did the entire trip.
My 3 Wedding Invitation Tips + The Small Details— One of my most asked wedding related questions is anything concerning invitations, addressing and all of that. I really do like how I rounded up everything here, but you can always ask me any question at all about wedding planning, and I would love to help you find an answer.
Why We Had Pizza at Our Wedding— I loved detailing why we had pizza at our wedding and all the details surrounding our very unusual wedding menu.
I must have been very uninspired in April, because I only posted one blog the entire month! It was a roundup of Mother’s Day gifts, so it’s not really something I would share in longevity. Most of the items aren’t available any more.
Entertainment During Quarantine— This post still applies to my daily life, even a year later. If you’re getting in a quarantine rut, these ideas stand true today.
I came back strong in June with six blog posts!
How to Vacation in the Midst of a Global Pandemic— Definitely one of my favorite blog posts during the beginning phase of quarantine 2020. It still gives me comfort now in those times I feel panicked about missing out on travel for so long. I highly recommend reading this, especially if you need a way to mentally refresh.
Wow, I posted 22 blog posts in July 2020- what?? I had completely forgotten, but I actually got approved for on July 1, so this month I really was trying to figure out what kind of shopping posts you all enjoyed most. I still found a lot of other special content to share though.
Another crazy month with 17 posts.
Introduction to my Podcast— It’s crazy to think I’ve only had Nice to Have a Friend since August. It feels like it’s been so much longer than that.
September was the month of Trader Joe’s for me. It was really all I could think or post about for a while there, and I’ve so enjoyed carrying to dessert boards with me into new seasons.
Trader Joe’s Fall Dessert Board
Seven Things to Know Before you Shop at Trader Joe’s
Emily in Paris Halloween costume— This shoot was so fun and honestly one of the first times Preston and I really went for it on a photoshoot from beginning to end. It really made me more interested in curating themed shoots, maybe I can work that into content this year!
My Tennessee Mountain Vacation— One of our few getaways we went on this year, and I had so much fun getting all the fall inspiration into one post.
How I Became A Better Cook– I like this post so much because it’s truly the advice I give when my friends ask me the same question. 2020 was truly the year of learning to cook for me, and it’s already so fun to look back on that.
Loren’s Yeehaw Beer Chili— So many of you have tried this beer chili and loved it