Brighton from Brighton The Day is one of my favorite blog follows (check out my recent post with all my daily blog reads!), and a few days ago she shared the concept of a “Bliss List,” and I thought it was an interesting concept! I honestly wanted to create one regardless of doing a blog post about it or not, but then I figured it might be fun to share so everyone could create their bliss list.
Basically, a bliss list is a collection of things, places, ideas that you can count on at any point in time to evoke bliss or make you crazy happy. This way, when things just get stressful, (aka all the time now for some of us!) you can instantly go to your bliss list and be reminded of what small things you can do now to get things back in perspective a little bit.
Here’s mine!
Ah, there’s hardly anything baking can’t fix. I’ve noticed I have a habit of dropping something I don’t feel like doing to pick up a whisk, and this is somewhat troublesome to have on a bliss list. I was eating way too many sweets there for a little bit, and I could tell it was really affecting my health. I have luckily recognized this, but I hoping to channel my baking efforts and mainly give the product of my labor to others! I am planning on gifting a lot of sweet treats for Christmas, I will definitely do a post all about how I will package those up.
I have so many posts on barre3, but I really love this one explaining the overwhelming bliss that comes when I am at barre3. This time of moving my body is so peaceful and honestly one of the times I worship God the most purely- the ability to move my healthy body He gives me each day is such a blessing.
This might sound weird, but one of the quickest ways for me to set myself back on the right track is to do one small cleaning activity. This can be loading the dishwasher, putting in one load of laundry, cleaning the bathroom mirrors, anything. It just gives me such a feeling of accomplishment. However, I should add that this doesn’t mean “deep cleaning,” haha! That definitely isn’t going on my bliss list.
Youtube Videos
There are a few Youtubers I love to throw on when I need a quick mood reset. It’s usually Flying the Nest, but sometimes I can also watch Brad and Hailey Devine or by CHLOE WEN. Seeing them share the high points in their lives can’t help but make me feel inspired and motivated. I mainly love travel related video, and most of the people I watch I have found through travel related videos, and I am so happy that I still like watching their at-home content.
Calling my mom
Any time I need to work out an issue, sort through my thoughts, or just an ear to vent to, my mom is my first call. I love to chat with her int he car- a time when I normally have the habit of overthinking all my projects and plans.
Uninterrupted time with Preston
One positive thing to come out of this time of distancing has been more interrupted time with Preston. I think it goes without saying, but this also feels like uninterrupted time with myself. I love when Taylor Swift sings, “silence that only comes when two people understand each other,” in her new song ‘peace.’ This is exactly how I feel when it’s just us together- simple and easy time to rest.
That’s it! I would love for you to share your bliss list with me on social media- I will share a fun graphic on my Instagram Story if you want to repost yours that way.