Blowing Rock, North Carolina is one of my favorite East Coast destinations. It’s just one of those towns you can go back to again and again and never get tired of it. We go about once a year, and we’re always finding something new to eat, see or do in Blowing Rock. Which means, I have all the Blowing Rock vacation recommendations for your next trip to the high country.Read more
Our Charleston Trip: Where We Ate + What We Did
So. so many people we know have been to and love Charleston, but I still thought it would be fun to roundup where we went and where we ate on our recent weekend trip there. It seemed like every time I posted something about us being there, I had five new people commenting and messaging their love for the city and favorite spots to go and eat at! This trip was a little unique because I feel like Charleston is less of a popular destination in December and January, but it was perfect for us! Read more
Charleston: What I Wore + Shopped For
Preston and I have never been (and probably never will be) huge beach people. Or semi-beach people at all. It’s a little bit scary to admit, but neither of us like the beach or tropical environments at all really. We will always, always pick somewhere else-even the arctic circle over going to the beach. Will we still go to the beach? Yes, vacations in any form are such a blessing. Will we enjoy ourselves in a city surrounding a beach? Probably! But, it’s just never the type of vacation we set out for. Read more
Five Tips to Make Unpacking Easier
I know a lot of us struggle with unpacking straight after coming home from a trip- I feel I’ve seen a thousand people post pictures of their half unpacked, half strewn across the room suitcase jumbles. One thing I pride myself on is my ability to come home and immediately get my house straightened up after a trip. Not to brag, but last week I cleaned out my closet, unpacked all our clothes and gifts from Christmas, washed and changed our sheets and dirty clothes, took down all our Christmas decorations and more just in a few hours! Obviously I don’t have or travel with kids/a lot of people, but I am proud of my ability to unpack and clean up after a two person trip. Read more
What to Expect at Platform 9 3/4
Planning a trip to London soon? Are you a big Harry Potter fan? If you answered ‘yes’ to both those questions, then you’re probably planning to stop by Platform 9 3/4 during your time in the center of the Harry Potter universe. Read more
My Italy Travel Journal
When I was about to leave for my study abroad trip in 2018, one of the things I was most excited about was keeping a travel journal. I don’t journal any other times, but Katy Bellotte really inspired me with her travel journal from studying abroad (highly recommend watching the video!!)Read more
My Tennessee Mountain Vacation
I shared a lot of our little mini-vacation over on my Instagram stories (saved to my ‘fall fun’ highlight by the way!), but I also wanted it to have its own little place on the blog as well. We had so much fun and already can see many weekend trips like it in our future. It’s really funny because before we got married my love language was 100% gifts. Since living with a significant other, having a change in budgetary priorities, etc., I am totally on the quality time bandwagon! This lines up perfectly with our mutual love of travel and budgetary priority of always saving for the next trip. Read more
My Travel Bucket List
As we’ve been basically weekend trip or vacation free for the past six months, I have noticed myself getting antsy to start traveling again numerous times. I’ve written a post about how to evoke the mindset of travel during this time and followed some of my own advice, but I am finding it increasingly hard to shake the feeling of being overwhelmed at just how much of the world is out there to see and how little time and resources it feels like we have now to accomplish all we want to do and see in life. Read more
Scott’s Cheap Flights
When Preston and I were searching for dreamy, but budget-conscious, honeymoon plans, several people recommended Scott’s Cheap Flights. I quickly made an account, but I honestly didn’t understand what the magic was for a little bit. I wanted to write a post about it in case you are a travel fan but have to stay on a budget like I do! I know plane travel (and travel in general) isn’t feasible right now, but like I mentioned in my how to evoke travel in the midst of a global pandemic post, sometimes you just need to plan a trip. Most airports are being flexible about COVID related Read more
How to vacation in the midst of a global pandemic
I get bitten by the travel bug quite often. Fortunately for me, I married someone who also craves traveling, and we are dreaming of, planning and saving for our next trip more often than not. However, because of the current situation surrounding COVID-19, traveling to almost any destination poses a risk. In the meantime, I am currently researching and planning an out of country trip we hope to take next year (or the next!) Today I thought I would share a few ways I have gotten my itch to travel to calm down a little! TheseRead more