I’ve been in such a good groove with blog writing lately, and I think it’s partly due to the process I accidentally started implementing into my blogging routine. For a while, I was struggling so much to come up with fresh content and anything I would think of didn’t sound interesting to read about AT ALL. But, I powered through and would post just when I was feeling inspired/thought of a good topic (aka not burning myself out!) and kept reading my favorite bloggers each day to work on getting my inspiration back.
This new process has dramatically changed the frequency I get blog posts up, and I don’t think I have had to sacrifice quality for quantity. So, without further ado, here are my three steps for writing frequent + interesting blog posts!
1. Create a draft post as soon as the idea pops into your head!
Before implementing my new three-step program, I would jot down random blog post ideas in a notebook, my planner, the notes section on my phone, etc. This wasn’t working for several reasons, but mainly because I would lose track of where I was keeping different ideas, find them weeks later and the time had passed to write about it. Also, writing down an idea and typing it into the format on the back end of my blog are two different things. Sometimes I would write something down and it would sound good, but when I went to transition it to a blog post, I would realize it didn’t really translate. I hope that makes sense?
This new method keeps the ideas at the forefront of my internal “drafts” folder, and I am reminded of them each time I open the back end of my blog. So for example, here’s what that looks like at the time of writing this post.

2. Quickly jot down the initial ideas you have within the post
After creating a draft post when an idea comes to me, I usually open up the post and write what I think the opening sentence would be and any bullet points of things, products, ideas, recipes, etc. that I want to mention. This helps me keep track of what my initial idea entailed and reminds me to go back later and link specific things I mention. Don’t forget to hit ‘save draft’ if autosave isn’t a feature on your blog hosting service- I have made this mistake one too many times.
3. Work on it in steps, a little at a time, until it’s complete
It usually takes me 1-3 days to finish a blog post with this method. There are some instances when I need to write and finish something instantaneously, but at least for my writing style/attention span, I feel more creative and inspired when I don’t force myself to finish something over one period of time. Sometimes this looks like writing one half on one day, the next half the next day or writing the entire post then going back and linking everything, creating the graphic, uploading photos, etc.
Want to know a secret? I actually wrote this blog post using the three steps above! I am so excited I found my groove with this process, it’s made me much more excited about blogging again and given me so much more dedication to my content. I love this hobby of mine, and I hope you all enjoy it too. Please let me know if you like more how-to, blogging, content creation posts like this! I am always exploring new content and ideas to bring to my content calendar.