We all know I am constantly gushing about Trader Joe’s, but I promise I do actually know that it’s not heaven on earth for everyone as it is for me! I always hear different complaints about Trader Joes from friends, and usually I am able to gift a little piece of advice that somewhat calms their Trader Joes angst. I thought it would be handy to list out my tips and tricks here so I could impart my Trader Joe’s wisdom on the world, not just my friends!
1. It is not a one stop shopping trip
This is my biggest and best piece of advice. I think once people realize Trader Joe’s is not a one stop shopping trip, they’re generally happier with their experience. I used to complain about my inability to get contact solution, household cleaners, etc., but then one day Preston said, “well, Loren do you really want your produce and other nutritious items from the same place as contact solution?” That really put it into perspective for me- he’s so right. The size of the stores are not comparable to Walmart or Target by any means, so you have to expect limited options. I personally like this because it takes out so much decision making and looking high and low on an entire aisle of canned tomato variations.
2. Not necessarily the best spot for meal planning
As much as I would love for it to be, Trader Joes just isn’t always ideal for picking up everything you need to make dinners for the week. I try to lean into the strengths of Trader Joe’s- snack items, frozen foods, cookies, cheeses, fresh pastas, etc. If I am making just your generic type dinners for the week, chances are I am not picking Trader Joe’s as my grocery trip that week. I find it’s optimal to visit Trader Joes about once or twice a month to restock on snacks and special treats, rather than going weekly!
3. There’s a difference in seasonal items and regular items
One common complaint I hear from people comes from the lack of knowledge of the difference in seasonal items. I even hear people in the store say, “I can’t believe they don’t have ___ right now! I haven’t seen it in so long.” Or finding one thing they absolutely LOVE, only to go back next time and it’s nowhere to be found. That leads to disappointment. I find the best way to combat this is to come to the realization of what’s seasonal and what’s regular. Part of this knowledge will just come by visiting often, but you can generally go by the thought of, if it says it’s flavored with a specific seasoning (one that’s usually season specific) or is on an end cap- it’s probably seasonal. I hope this makes sense, but there really is no other way to describe it without me personally going shopping with each one of you- which I totally wish I could do by the way! If you ever have a question if something is seasonal or not, feel free to ask an employee- they are very knowledgable and usually friendly as can be!
4. Nothing is ever “on sale”
So, I feel people mostly know this, but just in case- nothing is ever on sale or on special at Trader Joe’s! There may be very rare and special occasions to this statement, but the price you see on everything is the price you get!
5. There are not many name brands
If you’re going in and plan to get your Sabra hummus, Kettle Cooked Chips or Coke, you’re going to be in for a big surprise! There are very, very few typical name brands at Trader Joe’s- it’s all their own brand and creation. You can usually find product equivalents for everything (example- no Pringles, but instead their Saddle Potato Chips). Everything is delicious, and that is coming from one of the most name-brand loyal gals you’ll ever meet.
6. The layout of the store makes sense, I promise
My friend pointed out that the store layout is odd and things aren’t where you think they will be. While I agree with that to a degree, I promise you will figure out the flow of the store on your second or third trip! It’s all about thinking, is this item cold or hot? canned or not canned? The stores are usually set up by produce baked goods, coffee and supplements at the door, meat and dairy on the back wall, frozen items and cookies, crackers on the next aisle, baking, canned goods, non-perishables, etc on the next, then the last aisle is chips, salsas and alcoholic drinks and other beverages. Plus, with so few options and variables, you can get through the store so fast because there are not many decisions to make!
7. The capacity of the store is INSANE, you’re not the only one feeling overwhelmed
While we’re currently in COVID precaution times and the capacity is limited to a certain number of people, I know Trader Joes is usually busting at the seams with shoppers. It’s so, so overwhelming. My only piece of advice is, know that everyone else is overwhelmed too. There is a certain level of patience required with shopping there, but I really think it’s worth it. Try maybe arranging your list based on the flow of the store so you know exactly the path you need to take. If you’re there to just browse and let the store tell you what you want, then just remember patience pays off and to keep a friendly vibe going! You will eventually get access to everything you need.
I hope these tips were helpful for anyone looking to convert to a TJs disciple. I am personally SO there already and want to convert as many people as possible.