I honestly did not expect to get so much feedback on this Trader Joe’s dessert board, but after I posted it on my Instagram last week, you guys absolutely loved it! I love when you all interact with me so much, and last week’s Trader Joes shares definitely were my most interacted-with content to you guys. I was able to have so many conversations about TJs and their fall items with you all, and I am so happy we can connect through something I love!
Back to the fall dessert board- I promise you this is the easiest thing ever. I really didn’t even think I would do a post about it, but after so many people commented saying they were going to try it, I thought I would let it have a place here on the blog. I am going to let you all in on all the items we used, our favorites and what occasion I would make this board for.
My inspiration

I saw this board on Pinterest (Shameless plug, I am very active on there if you’re not following me already!). Obviously mine doesn’t look like this at all, but it was just mainly my idea lightbulb! I was going to buy these mouse pumpkins I saw on a Trader Joes review Instagram, but I am honestly not sure if they have them this year or not! Those were bigger like the ghost and candy corn cookies, but alas! What’s funny is a friend and blog follower sent me this photo after I posted my board and said it reminded them of mine- what are the odds!
Items on the Board

Candy Corn- Admittedly, I did not find this at TJs. I don’t think they sell it! But I am sure we have all started seeing candy corn everywhere now that fall is in full swing.
Pumpkin Spice Joe Joes- These are so, so incredibly good. I think they’re very similar to golden oreos, with just that little hint of pumpkin.
Pumpkin butter- honestly this could be left off because there’s just way too much sugar going on here to put even more sugar on something! But it looks super cute. I had a bag of pretzels off to the side of the board in case anyone wanted to try this! I also wanted to mention my neighbor brought the cinnamon roll spread to try out, and it was good too!
Maple and Sea Salt Kettle Corn- This is probably my number 1 recommendation for the Trader Joes fall items, but I am also a very big fan of all forms of popcorn so maybe I am biased. It’s got a really good smoky flavor and just the right amount of crunch. Popcorn is one of my favorite items to put on any kind of board like this because it’s a great, affordable filler item! People are also very surprised to see it on the board, and in my experience, people usually gravitate toward it! It’s usually gone before anything else, and it also is good to include if you have any picky eaters in attendance at your gathering!
Pumpkin Spice Cookies- These are good, but not great. This item is “seasonal,” but they have them all the time basically in different shapes. These are pumpkin spice flavored, but I wouldn’t say they are absolutely a must try!
Halloween Joe Joes- Very, very similar to regular Joe Joes- probably the exact same. But they have the cutest jack-o-lantern face and the orange cream in the middle, so why not go for these when making a fall board?
Pumpkin Spice Yogurt Pretzel Thins with pumpkin seeds- Ah, these are probably my number two recommendation (after the kettle corn!) for everyone to try. They’re just so good and not too sweet- which when you’re making a board like this, having a few not so sugary sweet items is important.
** Apples + Caramel- Okay, I did not put this on my board obviously, but my cousin made a fall dessert board and included caramel dipping sauce and sliced apples- such a good idea and a good break from all the sweets!
I made this for a little Dancing with the Stars watch party/fall Trader Joes experiment night, and it was so perfect for that! It was all “grown ups,” but I actually think this would be amazing for a Halloween party with kids- maybe I am naive in thinking kids wouldn’t immediately wreck a board like this, but maybe it would be cute and parents could help them get items? Haha, I have no experience with children so I am probably definitely being naive.
I hope this post made the construction of a fall board a little bit easier- please, please tag me on Instagram if you make anything similar, I would absolutely love to see it!!!