I posted the news on Instagram yesterday, but I wanted it to live permanently here too! Our December 2019 wedding was featured in this year’s issue of Tennessee Weddings, by The Pink Bride.
6 Insanely Useful Amazon Products to Put on Your Wedding Registry
My newly engaged friends are always asking me, “what should I put on my wedding registry?” It’s honestly one of my favorite questions, because I had so much fun during our wedding registry process. We registered on Amazon (and pottery barn!), and every couple we’ve known to get married since has registered at Amazon.
Today, I am sharing five of the best items to register for on Amazon. These products are all in the lower range of spending, which works to round your registry out nicely. Let’s get into it!Read more
My Favorite Items From Our Registry: Pottery Barn Edition
One of the questions I am asked most by my friends is, “What did you register for?” or “Registry must haves?” I think these are both great questions. My mom and I talked nonstop for what felt like months about what I should register for, then went back and tweaked and retweaked what I registered for until it was just right. I look around at my home almost daily and appreciate all the wonderful people who gave us these incredible items to build our life around- such a sweet thing to think about. Read more
Our Honeymoon Video
It feels so good to finally say, we finished our honeymoon video!!! It’s safe to say I never thought it would take almost seven months for us to find the time to edit it completely, but better late than never. One of the aspects of marriage I wasn’t fully prepared for was just the lack of wanting to do anything else but be together, especially in the first few months! Even when we’re just watching TV, I love not being on my phone or computer or Read more
Why You Should Have Pizza At Your Wedding + What to Know

Just imagine. You’re attending a formal wedding. The ceremony goes great. You walk into the reception. There are plated salads on the tables. The bride and groom come out for their first dance. The buffet opens. You walk into the other room with the food. You see a 12 foot table lined with pizzas. Pizza?? What? Read more
My 3 Wedding Invitation Tips: Our Wedding Invitations + The Details
I thought I hadn’t shared my save the dates, but I realized today I had already shared them and the envelopes, how I addressed them, etc! So for today’s post, I decided to share our invitations and the detail photos our photographer captured. Read more
Wedding Dress Details + Getting Ready Photos
I am SO excited to finally share wedding photos with you all. I got more than 1,300 back from my photographer, so I want to break them up in an order that makes it easier to look through all of them. Today I want to share everything I wore on the day of the wedding because that’s what I have had the most questions about. Read more
My wedding video
The wait is finally over, and our wedding video and all the footage from the day is finally in our hands. It really wasn’t that long to wait, but it felt like a lifetime. Our videographer did an amazing job, and I honestly can’t believe he finished it as quickly as he did because there was so much footage. Read more
Wedding Photo Preview
When the large portion of excitement from our wedding day was over, the first thing on my mind was gathering all the photos up from our friends and family and even a preview or two from our wonderful photographer, Danielle. We loved watching all the videos and Instagram stories our friends and family posted and we looked at our photo booth gallery for hours! Read more
Our rehearsal dinner
I don’t know if any previously experienced emotions can describe the day before your wedding. I was so excited, nervous, scared, emotional, joyous all at once. We didn’t have a bridal party, but I knew I wanted to have a rehearsal dinner and celebrate with some of my favorite people before jumping straight into wedding day. Today I want to share what I wore for the rehearsal dinner and a few behind the scenes photos. Read more