It has been a long time since I rounded up my favorite items in a Saturday Spotlight post. I love doing these posts, and I hope to get back in the swing of doing them more frequently. Here are the latest and greatest things I have been loving lately!
Sparkling Water
I have had a sparkling water obsession all year. I think it’s so good, but if you had told me a year ago that I would love it I don’t think I would have believed you. My favorites are La Croix coconut, lemon or lime, Spindrift iced tea and lemonade and Bubbly lime!
I mentioned on Instagram stories that I am slowly learning to cook. I am doing a lot better, and I did an update post so you all can track my progress and keep me accountable. I mainly like quick, easy meals right now (that’s all I have made), and I know Preston is enjoying my endeavor greatly, haha.
Stok Cold Brew
I also shared this on Instagram story. This is the best morning drink when I don’t have time to brew a pot of coffee. It’s sweet but not too sweet, and not full of a lot of added sugars. I have tried the mocha and latte flavors, and while I love both, I think latte is my very favorite.
Libby app
My goal was to read eight books this entire summer, and as of now I have already met that goal! It’s only the beginning of June. I think this fact can be attributed to my Libby app. It’s basically free audible and allows you to listen to audiobooks with a membership to the Knox County Library. The only drawback is waiting weeks and weeks for a book since there are a limited number of copies. Lately I have been listening under the “what’s available” categories until books I have requested become available!
Card writing
If you saw my post about the perfect handwritten note, you will know why I am in the thick of sending cards. This task has renewed my hobby of card sending, and I have been sending more birthday and thinking of you cards lately. This makes me so happy because it was one of my favorite past times in high school. Message me on Instagram if you want to be pen pals!
My favorite blogger lately-
Lately I have been loving to keep up with Julia from Gal Meets Glam and Bre Sheppard. Julia’s travels are picture perfect, and her home in Charleston is definitely goal worthy. Her home is even going to be featured on Southern Living soon- I can’t wait! Bre shares the best sales and unique pieces. I also love that everything she shares and wears is realistic. I actually have a reason to wear almost everything she posts. I love following bloggers who wear over-the-top outfits too, but it’s nice to follow someone on the realistic side too.
That’s it for this Saturday’s favorites! Thank you for reading today’s post.